Zosia Wiatr - Eight Poems

Reflection of a Thermopolium, Winter 2020

250 days/after the pleasure of nearby strangers/dissolved/into crisis

news arrives/that a to-go-food bar/at Pompeii/was unearthed

fabulously preserved

frescos of duck snacks/a hound friend/a dulcet sea nymph rides her/lavender seahorse

I am/beside myself/I am outside/my lonesomeness

with delight/at this news/I perceive steam above/those earthenware bowls/ I conceive

customers/regulars chatting/the proprietor offering/a fond gesture/a gentle ribbing a/morsel of the day

I would take fish and/dried fruits before/snails, sheep, pig soup and/depending the hour/and company/one glass

of spicy wine/the scent of which will linger/two millennia

even on a meager budget/later I will take/some olives or/if I am well

to-do/my dinner party/will comprise nine/guests reclined/on wooden lounge-couches/with tortoise shell inlay/because

of course it would/I serve juniper/coriander/cinnamon, imported—

the proprietor/of the snack bar/now a collection of bones/bones, also/the nearby lapdog

I wonder what use is/a fleeting halcyon/against past/future/disaster/

on the patio down Albina Ave/a round of whiskey sodas/a platter of fries/for the table/summertime carelessness/far from this necessary/isolation/I am

waiting/on that mirth/and a side of honey mustard

The World We Live In (Una Maravilla)

“Homero Gómez González, a former logger who managed El Rosario butterfly reserve, vanished on 13 January.” -David Agren, Mexico City

“...las novias del sol, el alma de los muertos” -Homero Gómez González (c. 1970-2020)


who, in the end, was saving whom.

it’s too late for deliverance from this ruin
but not too late for your complete metamorphosis.

an on-and-on needle
pricks at the forest,
threatening deflation

but then again, a million wings—

this gathering tempest,
this orange apex,
a dependable solace
at least one more fall


at first, what was missing from your noxious cocoon.

were you scared
a hectare of sacred pines

was certain
of milkypink toxin

of global positioning systems

and when you pulled yourself from it
did those wings weigh

how long until your devotion
to this small digester

this sleepy
this kaleidoscope


what is it like to be needed so ignorantly.

plexippus plexippus
if only saying it over
again were spell
sufficient to endure this withering


did you always know your sacrifice would be entire.

for a monarch so
common tessellation,
drinker of drams,
drowned en mass
in another’s visionless
quest for the luster
of crushed wings


what have we done.

you say esperamos
as though the force
for life were greater
in all of us than
the growth and gnaw of its
tarslick counterpart

will any contingency
push through quickly enough


did you see the murder coming.

your body turned blockade turned
too powerful, too keen
a leverage

did you taste the threat
in your feet
and try to run

did your lungs glisten
a final gesture
before they dumped your body
over a well

at this point, no matter,
Guardian, you’ll know by now—
is the Furthermore reflected
in ultraviolet


how will we go on.

you are one
among a billion
flights that didn’t reach
overwintering’s roar of repose

how will we keep against

severed antenna —
flickering efflorescence —
a dawning to end that superlative light