Matthew Woodman - Seven Poems

Singing Along to the Roadside Graves

Plastic flowers pass as collateral beside the white pillar candles before the barbed wire hold your breath the broken glass repeats all laissez-faire about being ground to sand three white horses no three white trucks slippery with bumper stickers scrape the shoulder on their way toward the sun nodding off the coastal range we share a sky dried apricot and blue raspberry ask to lower the volume auctioned off to the vacant bidder what’s that you say what else should we leave sunk where vultures collect slow skunks and squirrels caught odds and even vanilla wax the moon bloom songs that with our windows rolled down   parade  &   beyond   us

It’s About Time 

As the sun logics the sky -- 
As the premise we may indulge on our wrists the fondling of minutes -- 

As the lab cultivates an ear that hears nothing -- 
As the page sterilizes through right angles --  

As the cursor corrects grammar and the hand double-clicks each gyre -- 
As the bearer kneels for a deadline extension -- 

Gloves peel clouds for stars  

as descending the ridge, I mumble the line 

 “little man that I was” from the James Tate 
poem “The Eternal Ones of the Dream”   

as I consider the individual 
creosote spanning 11,700 years 

  as I flail against the pressure gradients 
we label as shortness of breath or 

 as gusts we measure in miles per hour
and hats blown from our heads. 


: as d ark – m at tered be e as need les as  

yel low as pulses of pollen as g old as  

nec tar s pool s as re frain as green as  

chor us ra in - scent as res in r is es as  

th read s as cirr us - root currents leaf as 

now see (d) s al ways a s a s a s . . . :  


continually changing conditions

some say bad people become barn owls
when they die some say to see one above
a house foretells an imminent death some
say to place an owl’s ashes on a lunatic’s 
eyes some say an owl in each corner
protects from lightning the home some
say thou shalt not eat any abominable
thing some say to place on the dreamer
an owl’s feather is to discover their secrets 

tongue like a palm 
through the lips flight 
feathers so thin you could 
read a biography through 
the unpigmented outer 
primaries those finely 
trailing edges


As I ascend the alluvium I wear  
away the top layer of loose stone I am  
an eroding factor 
altered for having been  
here I am a direction of spliced lines 
your fingertips abrading  
the path one page at a time 

& when I slip  
the land slips 

beneath my scraped &
bloody palm  

 & when I clap  
the land claps 

back to where we began  
which is just to say  

a series of words 

thumbing a field


Neither supple nor plied
with grace but sentenced:

a masculine, misplaced diction
contingent on pockets & dry palms:

three card monte, a six of verbs
pebbled in the mouth: a subject

the Cactus Wren
plants in one of
its (false) nests

Floating End Parenthesis

Birdsong: laughter  
becomes tumbling 

White-Throated Swift 
outlines marking  
the open 


coming together 
& falling 
into place as bits  

of grass of feathers 

as shallow half- 
saucers fastened 

to the sporadic 

the aspiring  
swell of lung

tomorrow through  
the crevice 

a pause ) & then 
a perhaps


doubt flocks to 
the roofs of  
abandoned store 
fronts doubt 
roosts in piles of 
unopened bills
doubt whistles 
through the gaps 
in doors and 
windows doubt 
pecks at 
prepositions and 
conjunctions with 
a sound like what 
if what if doubt 
scratches at the 
surface and 
swallows what’s 
unearthed doubt 
waits for the cars 
to pass before 
calling what has 
been struck limp 
and unfeeling 
doubt preens each 


To Identify the End of a Portion of Text 

look to where the font flickers 
its dark tail on the conspicuous  

irreconcilable eye-level perch  
where see what’s been missing. 

By summer the spring  
Say’s Phoebe pair bonds  

will have flown their separate  
marks of terminal punctuation  

 -- after having -- 

encoupled a stanza  
a son from spider- 
web hair & bits  
of paper

Karolinn FiscalettiIssue 7